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In the realm of magical tales, "The Magic Brush of Ma Liang" is a classic Chinese story that has enchanted generations. Now, let's embark on an English adaptation of this enchanting narrative through a话剧 script, bringing together eleven talented performers to bring the tale to life on stage.


1、Ma Liang - The young artist with the magic brush.

2、Grandmother - Ma Liang's wise and loving grandmother.

3、Taoist Monk - The enigmatic figure who gives Ma Liang the magic brush.

4、Dragon King - The ruler of the Dragon Kingdom.

5、Villagers - The people of the village where Ma Liang lives.

6、Evil Demon - The malevolent being who threatens the village.

7、Princess - The Dragon King's daughter, who becomes enchanted by Ma Liang's kindness.

8、Minister - The Dragon King's cunning and greedy advisor.

9、Warrior - A brave villager who aids Ma Liang in his quest.

10、Wise Old Man - A mysterious figure who offers advice to Ma Liang.

11、Actor - The narrator and facilitator of the story.

Act 1: The Magic Brush

[The scene opens in Ma Liang's modest home. He is practicing his brush strokes on paper. The Actor enters and begins the story.]

Actor: Long ago, in a small village, there lived a young artist named Ma Liang. His talent was unmatched, but his tools were simple. One day, his grandmother, who saw his potential, told him a tale of a magical brush that could paint any dream into reality.

[The Grandmother enters and gives Ma Liang a worn-out brush.]

Grandmother: Ma Liang, this brush may seem ordinary, but it holds the power to create wonders beyond your wildest imagination.

[Ma Liang is excited but skeptical. The Taoist Monk enters and hands him a small, ornate brush.]

Taoist Monk: This is the Magic Brush of Ma Liang. Use it wisely and with compassion.

[Ma Liang takes the brush and the scene fades to black.]

Act 2: The Dragon Kingdom

[The scene shifts to the Dragon Kingdom. The Dragon King, Princess, and Minister are present. The Evil Demon appears and threatens the kingdom.]

Evil Demon: Your kingdom shall be mine, Dragon King! Your daughter will be my bride!

[The Dragon King is furious, but the Minister has a plan.]

Minister: Your Highness, we must seek help from the mortal world. Send the Princess to fetch the Magic Brush of Ma Liang.

[The Dragon King agrees and sends the Princess to the village.]

Act 3: The Village in Peril

[Ma Liang and the villagers are struggling with the evil demon's curse. The Princess arrives and meets Ma Liang.]

Princess: My father has sent me to fetch the magic brush. Can you help me?

[Ma Liang agrees and they set off to find the brush. The Warrior and Wise Old Man offer their assistance.]

Act 4: The Magic Brush in Action

[Ma Liang and the team confront the Evil Demon. The Magic Brush is used to create a protective barrier. The Demon attacks but is defeated.]

Ma Liang: The power of the brush is not just in its ability to create, but in the goodness it brings to the world.

[The villagers cheer, and the Dragon King, grateful for Ma Liang's help, offers him a place in the Dragon Kingdom.]


[The scene returns to Ma Liang's village. He has returned with the Princess and the villagers celebrate. The Actor concludes the story.]

Actor: The tale of Ma Liang and the Magic Brush teaches us that true power lies in kindness and compassion. With these qualities, we can overcome any adversity.

[The curtain falls as the audience reflects on the moral of the story.]

End of Script

This English adaptation of "The Magic Brush of Ma Liang" brings together eleven performers to create a captivating tale that transcends language and culture. Through their performances, the story of Ma Liang's courage, wisdom, and the magic of his brush comes to life, leaving a lasting impression on all who witness the performance.